What You Need To Know Before Trying A Caffeine Vaporizer

If you're a caffeine fiend who would like a way to wake up without being tied to a coffee maker or a bunch of college-era caffeine pills, a caffeine vaporizer pen might be your ticket. If you've never used one before, they can be a bit different. For one, you're inhaling caffeine instead of drinking it in coffee that might be loaded with milk, so you need to make a few adjustments.

Start Slow

Most caffeine vaporizer pens are meant to deliver a dose of caffeine over a range of a few puffs. Start at the low end -- like maybe a couple of puffs -- and wait for initial effects before taking any more puffs. Stop if you start to feel too wired. You may be able to increase how much you use later on, but for now, start slow.

Immediate Jolts

Be aware that the caffeine in these vaporizers has a pretty quick effect. You could find yourself waking up very fast. If you're using the vaporizer just as a way to stay awake, you'll only need a puff or so to accomplish that. Some first-time users are kind of surprised at how quickly the pens can start to work and they end up puffing too quickly and inhaling too much caffeine, considering what they really need to wake up.

Moderate Use

Even experienced vaporizer pen users will tell you that you need to moderate your use. This is partially to control the amount of caffeine you take in, and partially to avoid draining the pen too early. Those flavors can be rather delicious, making it too easy to puff too much in one sitting. The pens can be so effective that you may even decide to replace some of your daily coffee with the pens, so try to keep track of how much you're puffing each day.

Be Aware of Smoking Laws -- for Real

It may just be caffeine, but it will look to others like you are using an e-cigarette of the tobacco type. That you'd be exhaling vapor won't help that image. Be a good neighbor and pay attention to workplace and public space smoking laws. Even if people realize you're just using caffeine, your consideration will make you look a lot better.

You can get a pretty good jolt of caffeine just by inhaling from a vaporizer pen, like Vape-N-Energy. But your experience will be much better if you can moderate what you do and where you use it.

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how farms work

Living in very rural areas for all of my life has been wonderful. I love the farmlands that surround my home and getting to know all of the people who work so hard to keep their farms going. Over the years, I have volunteered at many of the farms around my house to help the farmers during their busy times. In exchange, they have taught me a lot about how their farms work and pay me with fresh milk, eggs, and produce. If you are interested in how farms work to produce all sorts of food that you enjoy each day, this is the blog for you.