Plants You Should Never Plant In Your Yard And Why

Everyone knows that plants do wonders for curb appeal. What everyone might not know however, is that some plants can do more harm than good. Some are dangerous while others are downright pesky. Here are some of the plants you should never plant in your yard and why.

Trumpet Vines

Yes, this plant is generally beautiful, and some even attract hummingbirds. Why would you not want that? The main reason is that this plant spreads like the plague. If planted near your house it can climb your columns which may be pretty, but it also brings bugs that can get into your house and cause an infestation. As if all of this wasn't enough, some trumpet vines can give people a rash. This plant can be wonderful if you plant it in the right place. Preferably, away from your house and flowerbeds.


This pretty yellow flower might seem like a good idea for your yard, but think twice before planting it. This plant is very toxic if ingested by people or animals. It is also like the trumpet vine in that it can take over a landscape quickly. However, the tansy plant does have some good uses. This plant can be used to drive away flies and ants. You will want to weigh the pros and cons of this plant carefully before deciding to plant it.


This plant, with its bell-like flowers, is very elegant looking and you would never know by looking at it, that it's also poisonous. In fact, the nickname for this plant is deadly nightshade. In history this plant was used for murder and it was rumored that ancient Romans used this plant often for deadly intentions.

Bradford Pear

It may surprise you to see this popular tree on this list, but the Bradford pear tree has some flaws. The main flaw is that this tree is not very durable in strong weather. High winds or heavy ice can cause this tree's branches to break easily, which can be very bad if planted near your house. Also, this tree has flowers that are pretty, but do not smell very good.


Another plant that most people only known for its good features is bamboo. Yes, bamboo has some amazing benefits, such as being very strong. However, it can have one major flaw if planted in your yard, which is that bamboo grows like very strong weeds that are difficult to remove. If you plant bamboo make sure you plant them in large, strong planters.

When you are designing your landscape, make sure you do your research and find the pros and cons to each plant. Otherwise, you could find yourself in an annoying or dangerous situation. Consider these tips as you're determining different landscaping and lawn care options.

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how farms work

Living in very rural areas for all of my life has been wonderful. I love the farmlands that surround my home and getting to know all of the people who work so hard to keep their farms going. Over the years, I have volunteered at many of the farms around my house to help the farmers during their busy times. In exchange, they have taught me a lot about how their farms work and pay me with fresh milk, eggs, and produce. If you are interested in how farms work to produce all sorts of food that you enjoy each day, this is the blog for you.